Hiddes private HomepageSkyline von Hamburg
What is new
on this site at
12/02/2007New web host: Our site has moved to a new Sun Galaxy class web server.
30/01/2007New Blog: We have a new, personal web log (Blog) online: http://blog.sytra.de covers some computer, technology and digital life style related stuff in German language.
11/17/2004New perpetual service: Photos of Moritz' Brio Bahn layouts
11/02/2004Now the page headers and footers of all web pages on this site are loaded via PHP from single sources.
This enables the indiviual and perpetual selection of the banner picture for all pages of this site.
09/30/2004Call it "Impressum", generalize page footer via PHP
Krabbelgruppe moved into Private Area (just for archiving); Moritz doesn't attend it anymore.
08/01/2004Besuch in Howacht
./.No update for almost twelve months (exept for Patenbriefe)
08/10/2003Besuch bei Tautz'
05/28/2003favicon.ico (siehe Artikel auf SPIEGEL ONLINE)
05/22/2003"What's new" Area (this page, the "Journal")
05/02/2003Besuch bei Lisa
04/19/2003Happy Easter Gimmik (now removed)
04/15/2003Menu pane based on PHP
04/07/2003Besuch bei Hendrika
03/18/2003Besuch bei Fischers
02/27/2003Launch of this site
Last modified: 02/12/2007

NOTE: This web site uses styles. The CSS1 stylesheet site.css was not loaded or your browser doesnt understand styles. Many things will look strange as a result.