Hiddes private HomepageSkyline von Hamburg
This is the home page of
Kay, Sylvia and Moritz Hidde

Welcome to our Home Page!

Since we use this domain for our private e-mail, we thought that we should also publish information into the Web-World here. A second intention of this web site is a "technical playground": it runs on our unix based machine (its name is "do"; this is why this homepage is "on DO" as mentioned in the menu) and these pages are served by Apache software, administered by ourselves (I admit: and with help from friends).

This web site is a "working area" and you can not expect it to be error-free or well-designed in any aspect. Please keep this in mind when you browse through or pages. It is also a good idea to read the Legal Disclaimer.

For access to information on this site, please use the links within the navigation pane on the left. A plain item refers to the actual page you are currently reading.

As our native language is German, there is a lot of german content on this server.

Cool new feature: Click on the banner picture (at the top of each page of this site) to load the next out of the offered images. Your selection is stored throughout your browsing session and beyond... (we set a cookie to store your selection).

New content: Pictures you will desire to see are now open for refreshment of the general public via Pictophil!

If you have any comment or question, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail. Write to one of our addresses you already know or send your message to the "".

Sincerely Yours,
Kay Hidde

The words Don't Panic, written in large, friendly letters.

Last modified: 03/04/2007

NOTE: This web site uses styles. The CSS1 stylesheet site.css was not loaded or your browser doesnt understand styles. Many things will look strange as a result.